- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Doctoral Thesis: Efficient Buffer Design Algorithms for Production Line Profit Maximization
- Committee Members: Dr. Stanley Gershwin (advisor), Dr. Stephen Graves, Dr. Brian Anthony
- Minor: Finance
- M.Eng., Tsinghua University, 2007
- Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology
- Graduate with the highest honors (top 2%)
- Outstanding master’s thesis
- Thesis: Study on the Look-Ahead Function Based Motion Control Algorithm for Continuous Micro Line Trajectories
- Advisor: Dr. Peiqing Ye
- B.Eng., Tsinghua University, 2005
- Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology
- Graduate with honors (top 10%)
Academic Experience
- Professor of Practice in Financial Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, School of Data Science, 08/2024 - present
Industry Experience
- Co-founder and Chief Data Scientist
Beijing Liangxin Investment Management Co. Ltd., 09/2015 - present- Advanced time-series and cross-sectional data analysis using statistical modeling and machine learning.
- Quantitative strategy development leadership.
- Risk control expertise.
- Senior Member of Technical Staff
Oracle America, Inc., Redwood Shores, CA, 01/2012 - 02/2016- Customer requirement analysis.
- Data warehouse design.
- Cross-functional collaboration.
- Global team coordination and client interaction.
- Data Quality Analyst (Internship)
Citigroup, Inc., Boston, MA, 06/2011 - 09/2011, 11/2011 - 01/2012- Data quality enhancement.
- Advanced data profiling and cleansing.
- Modeling & Simulation Analyst (Internship)
Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, 06/2010 - 08/2010- Production line optimization via advanced modeling and simulation techniques.
- Development of simulation test protocol.
Professional Service
- Editorial board of Computers in Industry
Teaching/Mentoring Experience
- MFE5340 Artificial Intelligence in Financial Engineering: Quantitative Investment, CUHK(SZ)
- Instructor, Spring 2025
- STA4020 Statistical Modeling in Financial Markets, CUHK(SZ)
- Instructor, Fall 2024
- DDA3600 Factor Investing, CUHK(SZ)
- Instructor, Fall 2024
- 2.853/4 Intro to Manufacturing Systems, MIT
- Teaching Assistant, Fall 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011
- Industry advisor for the Master of Finance program, Nanjing University
Guest Lectures/Invited Talks
- Lectures on advance in asset pricing/factor investing at universities
- Fudan University, Nanjing University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Tianjin University
- Lectures on quantitative investment at universities
- Central University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University, Peking University, Peking University HSBC Business School, Shanghai University, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Tsinghua University
- Lectures on advances in asset pricing/factor investing for institutional investors
- Bank of Communications Schroder Fund, Bosera Asset Management, China Asset Management, China Merchants Fund, China Southern Asset Management, E Fund Management, Everbright Pramerica Fund, Fullgoal Fund Management, Hua’an Fund Management, Hwabao WP Fund, ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management, Penghua Fund Management, Taikang Asset
- Talks at sell-side strategy conferences and for industry associations
- CITIC Futures, CFA Beijing Association, COFCO Futures, Haitong Securities, Huachuang Securities, Kaiyuan Securities, Northeast Securities, SDIC Essence Futures, Western Securities
Referee for Journals
- Annals of Operations Research, Computers in Industry, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Information Systems and e-Business Management, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Management Science (Omega), International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of the Operational Research Society, OR Spectrum, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 管理科学学报
Zhang, M. X., T. Lu, and C. Shi (2025). Navigating the Factor Zoo: The Science of Quantitative Investing. Routledge
- Wang, X. and C. Shi (2022). Machine Learning and Asset Pricing (in Chinese). Publishing House of Electronics Industry
- Chinese Title: 《机器学习与资产定价》
- This book is the Chinese translation of Nagel, S. (2021). Machine Learning in Asset Pricing. Princeton University Press.
- Shi, C., Y. Liu, and X. Lian (2020). Factor Investing: Methodology and Practice (in Chinese). Publishing House of Electronics Industry
- Chinese Title: 《因子投资:方法与实践》
Book Chapter Contributions
Chapter 6: Critical Data Elements: Identification, Validation, and Assessment
In: R. Jugulum. Competing with Data Quality: Relevance and Importance in Industry, Wiley 2014Chapter 7: Prioritization of Critical Data Elements (Funnel Approach)
In: R. Jugulum. Competing with Data Quality: Relevance and Importance in Industry, Wiley 2014
Selected Papers
A graph-theoretic approach to detection of Parkinsonian freezing of gait from videos
(with Q. Liu, J. Bao, X. Zhang, C. C. Liu, and R. Luo), Statistics in Medicine 44(5), 2025, e70020.Part sojourn time distribution in a two-machine line
(with S. B. Gershwin), European Journal of Operational Research 248(1), 2016, 146-158A segmentation approach for solving buffer allocation problems in large production systems (with S. B. Gershwin), International Journal of Production Research 54(20), 2016, 6121-6141
Improving financial services data quality - A Citigroup practice
(with H. Heien, J. R. Talburt, R. A. Granese, D. W. Gray, R. Jugulum, R. Ramachandran, J. Singh, J. Hamilton, and H. I. Joyce), International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 6(2), 2015, 98-110Improvement of the evaluation of closed-loop production systems with unreliable machines and finite buffers (with S. B. Gershwin), Computers & Industrial Engineering 75(1), 2014, 239-256
The look-ahead function based interpolation algorithm for continuous micro line trajectories (with P. Ye), International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 54(5-8), 2011, 649-668
An efficient buffer design algorithm for production line profit maximization
(with S. B. Gershwin), International Journal of Production Economics 122(2), 2009, 725-740Interpolation of continuous micro line segment trajectories based on look-ahead algorithm in high-speed machining (with P. Ye, K. Yang, and Q. Lv), International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 37, 2008, 881-897
Look-ahead feedrate plan method based on the requirement of real time and its experimental study (with Q. Lv, H. Zhang, K. Yang, and H. Lu), Machine Tool & Hydraulics 36(4), 2008, 1-4
Design of air-operated spring-based stand assist chair tracking knee joint torque for the elderly (with B. Lin), Virtual and Physical Prototyping 2(3), 2007, 173-179
Study on S-shape curve acceleration and deceleration control on NC system
(with T. Zhao, P. Ye, and Q. Lv), China Mechanical Engineering 18(7), 2007, 1421-1425Smooth transfer control algorithm of continuous segment trajectory in CNC system
(with K. Yang, P. Ye, and Q. Lv), Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 47(8), 2007, 1295-1299Study on end-point discrimination methods of circular interpolation
(with B. Lin, P. Ye, and H. Zhang), Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool, 2007, 86-90The practical study of the professional but non-required courses
(with P. Ye and H. Zhang) Experimental Technology and Management 24(4), 100-103Study on control algorithm for continuous segments trajectory interpolation
(with P. Ye and Q. Lv), Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 28(z2), 2006, 994-998
Working Papers
From econometrics to machine learning: Transforming empirical asset pricing
2025, SSRN 5150205Behavioral finance and factor investing
2025, SSRN 5137986Operations & supply chain management: Principles and practice
(Crowdsourcing review paper with 92 coauthors), 2025, under reviewLead time distribution of three-machine two-buffer lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers (with S. B. Gershwin), 2016, MIT Operations Research Center Working paper
Permanent Working Papers
Trend following strategies: A practical guide
(with X. Lian), 2025, SSRN 5140633Multiple hypothesis testing, empirical asset pricing, and factor investing
2024, SSRN 5145640Piotroski’s F-score in the Chinese stock market
2024, SSRN 5144971The profitability factor, its extensions, and evidence from China
(with X. Lian), 2022, SSRN 5146149A composite four-factor model in China
(with X. Lian), 2021, SSRN 3928587Refined book-to-market ratio and the cross-section of stock returns in China
(with X. Lian and Y. Liu), 2019
Refereed Conference Publications
The additive property in long line optimization
(with S. B. Gershwin), IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 19-21, 2013Qualitative behavior of average buffer levels
(with S. B. Gershwin), The 9th International Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Kloster Seeon, Germany, May 25-30, 2013Part waiting time distribution in a two-machine line
(with S. B. Gershwin), The 14th IFCA Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012), Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012The segmentation method for long line optimization
(with S. B. Gershwin), The 8th International Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Kusadasi, Turkey, May 28-Jan 2, 2011An efficient buffer design algorithm for production line profit maximization
(with S. B. Gershwin) The 13th IFCA Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2009), Moscow, Russia, June 3-5, 2009The look-ahead based adaptive motion control for high-speed machining of complicated contours, (with P. Ye, Q. Lv, and K. Yang), IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, MI, July 22-25, 2007
The recycling model of the printed circuit board and its economy evaluation
(with Q. Niu, D. Xiang, X. Liu, and G. Duan), IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Orlando, FL, May 7-10, 2007
- Recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award on the 40th Anniversary of the Publishing House of the Electronics Industry, 08/2022
- Winner of the Best Paper Prizes (10 out of 382 papers) of the 2013 IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, 05/2013
- Winner of the Best Paper Prize for Track D: Design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems of INCOM 2012, 05/2012
- Full Member of Sigma Xi (nominated by MIT professors), 06/2011
- Certified Information Management Professional specializing in Data Quality, 07/2011
- Graduate with Highest Honors for Master’s Degree, Tsinghua University, 07/2007
- Outstanding Master’s Thesis, Tsinghua University, 07/2007
- Graduate with Honors for Bachelor’s Degree, Tsinghua University, 07/2005
- The Second Place Prize in the 6th Creative Machine Design Contest, Tsinghua University, 10/2004
- National Scholarship of China, 12/2004
- Academic Excellence Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 12/2003
- Academic Excellence Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 12/2002
- Will provide upon request.